Welcome to the website of outdoor writer & speaker Steve Sorensen
The Everyday Hunter
Popular Sportsman's Dinner Speaker
Award-winning Magazine and Book Author
Home of The Everyday Hunter's blog, "Mission: Hunter"
Custom Scratchbox Turkey Call Maker
Field Contributor to Deer & Deer Hunting magazine
Make your next sportsman's dinner a BIG success!

Steve places a high priority on sportsman's dinner ministry. At the conclusion of each of these popular events, he offers his personal testimony about Christ, connects the gospel to his presentation, applies spiritual truth, and invites people to respond to God's claim on their lives.
Call NOW to schedule your Sportsman's Dinner, Seminar, or Men's Breakfast!
(You'll find a lot on this page, so scroll down for Steve's popular programs and lots of resources to help you plan!)
I'm Steve Sorensen. Some people call me by my trademark name, "The Everyday Hunter," but actually most hunters are everyday hunters, and in everything I do I try to connect with them.
Thanks for coming here! I've spoken at almost 200 men's events and I understand the challenge of finding just the right speaker. If you're planning a big event – Beast Feast, Wild Game Feed, or Sportsman’s Banquet, or a smaller event – Prayer Breakfast or Men's Morning Out – you need a speaker who can do three things:
He must be able to bring an expectant crowd a strong message, whether it's a full-fledged banquet program or a simple prayer breakfast devotional talk.
He must be able to engage people from both inside and outside your church.
He must be able to communicate the gospel to men who might have little connection with the church.
Lots of people can do the first, and some can do the second, but far fewer can do the third. All three are critically important to the success of your event. (Too often the gospel is converted from a message of grace to a "work harder" message.)
That's why, as I speak at church-sponsored sportsman's events, men are changed by Jesus Christ after hearing the simple, down-to-earth gospel from an “Everyday Hunter” who is a lot like them.
How can a sportsman's dinner change men's lives? Call or email me your address, and I'll send my new brochure:

Here's a description of the six programs Steve currently offers for Sportsman's Dinners
(Call about prayer breakfasts and other events.)

Boots on the ground whitetail hunting is becoming a lost art as hunters have taken to the trees. Does anyone know how to still-hunt any more? What are the secrets to hunting on the ground, and how do you learn them?
This program includes:
► Benefits and satisfaction of hunting deer from the ground.
► 10 skills ground hunters must learn.
► How to make the transition from the trees to the ground.
Why have hunters lost interest in hunting from the ground, and how can we return to the traditional way? The real question is this: Are you willing? Here are lessons hunters need to know to hunt successfully on the ground. With advice from some of deer hunting's most successful ground hunters.

Here's “every man’s dream hunt”! An incredible real-life adventure in Alaska—"the Land of Extremes"! Hear the first-hand story of two do-it-yourself hunters, alone on an unguided hunt deep in the Alaska bush, when they score a rare double on trophy Alaska-Yukon moose. This is the story of my brother's and my hunt of a lifetime—a dream fulfilled!
Two rookie moose hunters discover that one moose on the ground is huge, but two are a staggering task! This exciting presentation features slides and video of moose and caribou, and teaches lessons about guts, determination and hardship.
Pay attention and you'll find out how you can do the same thing—and maybe your hunt will be even more successful!

Tip the deer hunting odds in your favor with this ONE-OF-A-KIND PROGRAM! But first, take the Everyday Hunter's deer hunting "geek" test to find out if you're qualified to attend this program. (Don't worry, you're guaranteed to pass!)
Hear the true answers to these questions:
► Are record book bucks available in your area? If so, where are the "Booners"?
► What's a trophy buck, and does your state have what takes to grow them? How do age, nutrition, & genetics work?
► Is there a way to "take inventory" of bucks in your area? Here's new information on how to take your own buck census.
► What's the pay-off to your scouting? You can be confident that the buck you want is there.

Find out how to get the most from hunting spring gobblers. When should you use a "low-impact" vs. a "high-impact" approach? What makes a good box call? How to hunt when gobblers go silent, and much more!
Hunters will benefit, and non-hunters will not be disappointed!
► Turkey hunting terminology
► Do you make these turkey hunting mistakes?
► When were the "good old days" of turkey hunting?
► What makes an effective call?
► What do turkey hunter see, that no one else sees?
Sensational photography, new ideas for success, secrets Steve has learned about calling from making his own unique turkey call, and unique experiences only the turkey hunter has.

Do you know how long coyotes have been living in the East? Did you know they were here in the 1930s? And that they were not stocked? Steve traces their arrival and busts the myths many people believe about the mysterious appearance of the eastern coyote in Pennsylvania.
Steve will answer most (if not all) your questions, including...
► Where did eastern coyotes come from?
► How did they get here? And when did they arrive?
► Why do we have so many? What accounts for their spread?
► Do they really infest major cities?
► How can you find opportunities to harvest them?
What's the REAL truth? Here are all the answers—they make sense, and they solve the mysteries and conspiracies about the elusive Eastern Coyote.

Failure Brings Success in Spring Turkey Hunting
Spring turkey hunting tactics!
NEW FOR 2024! Why is meleagris gallopavo (guinea peafowl) smart enough to make fools of homo sapiens (wise men)? Yes, this stupid bird makes wise men fools. Story after story shows why failure is important and how it can make you a better turkey hunter.
So take courage--some of history's greatest people have failed over and over!
Why and how you fail.
Should your hunting style be conservative?
What makes hunters consistently successful?
Finding special high-percentage hunting spots.
Steve will discuss the creation of his call, why it's unique, and why there is no "best" call.
I also speak at sportsman’s shows, camps, men's retreats, and other venues. I write a popular newspaper column called "The Everyday Hunter," (three-time winner of “Best Newspaper Column”). And I won the 2015, 2018 and 2023 "Pinnacle Award," a national award from the Professional Outdoor Media Association, and the NRA's "Best of the Best" award among outdoor writers in Pennsylvania.
You might have seen my articles in magazines including Outdoor Life, Deer & Deer Hunting, North American Whitetail, Sports Afield, Pennsylvania Game News and others.
If you’ve looked around my website, you’ve already seen I make lots of my published writing available FREE. And if you scroll down on this page, you’ll see descriptions of the programs I currently offer for church sportsman’s events.
Whether you're looking for a speaker for your church event, or a sportsman's show, or some other occasion, let's work together. Drop me an email. I’ll do everything I can to make your event a big success.
Give me a call and let's talk about your event:
(814) 688-2044.
Would you like to hear me speak? Email me to ask if there's an event where I'm speaking near you.
(References are Available on Request.)
For a perspective from someone at a local church, check out this write-up from Wayne Thompson at Triad Baptist Church in Kernersville, NC. Link: Sportsmen’s Day Teaches—and Inspires! (Posted with permission at The Everyday Hunter's "Mission Hunter" blog.)
Almost 200 churches have benefited from Steve's sportsman's dinner ministry because he aims everything at delivering the gospel persuasively and effectively. Many churches have brought Steve back for a second or third time!
Many more churches have appreciated Steve's ministry as an interim pastor or to fill the pulpit in a pastor's absence, but he does more than "fill" the pulpit. His sermons are biblical, and helpful.
Below are some personal testimonials from people in churches that have hosted Steve. Check them out — you'll feel the same way!
Yorkana, PA
Mike Boone, Chair, & Asst. Pastor
Christ United Methodist Church
"I will call Steve again and recommend him to others. It was a wonderful evening of solid speaking and testimony."
Mechanicsburg, PA
Mike Gallagher, Assistant to Speaker
Immanuel Christian & Missionary Alliance
"Steve is the real deal. Open about hunting ability and open about his faith in a way the average person not walking in faith can easily understand.
Amherst, OH
Dr. Arnold Fleagle, Senior Pastor
Trinity Evangelical Free Church
"Steve's story of the Alaskan moose hunt was fascinating and his telling of the 'Good News' was spot on! Twenty-seven people checked that they had asked Jesus to forgive their sins and give them eternal life."
Mehoopany, PA
Joe Billingsley, Senior Pastor
Mehoopany Baptist Church
"Best sportsman's event we have hosted in a dozen years! Your whitetail talk was very informative and your presentation of the gospel really resonated with the hunters. Lots of positive feedback!"
Ringgold, VA
Tanner and Julie Owen, Organizers
Kentuck Baptist Church
"Steve was a great choice for our first event. His Ultimate Planning Guide and advice were key to our success. He was interesting, informative, sincere, accommodating, and he presented the gospel very clearly."
"A really engaging program. Steve related well to our audience, and gave an excellent presentation of the gospel."
Little Genessee, NY
Clint Pearsall, Pastor
Faith Bible Church
Curwensville, PA
David L. Clark, Event Coordinator
Curwensville Alliance Church
"We very much enjoyed meeting Steve and look forward to having him back for a future event. We were also very satisfied with his presentation about his moose hunt, and his testimony."
Hughesville, MD
Matt Baden, Banquet Chairman
Hughesville Baptist Church
"I really enjoyed having Steve at our event. According to our response cards, Steve's program was very well liked. Steve did a great job blending his testimony into the program. Thanks for a great night!"
TO HELP YOU PLAN your Sportsman's Dinner...

Get your hands on Steve Sorensen's comprehensive 38-page "Ultimate Guide To Planning a Sportsman's Dinner" (at left). Spread the word -- this is the most comprehensive guide available, with everything you need to know to plan your event. CLICK HERE to download your own FREE copy of the Planning Guide.
Here's what one sportsman's dinner organizer said: "Your 'Ultimate Guide to Planning a Sportsman’s Dinner' is by far the best and most thorough document available anywhere. I had a church contact me about planning their own banquet and this is the best thing I could have offered them to get started!"
Photos, logos, and other documents that will help you publicize your event! CLICK HERE for Publicity Downloads! For any of the free downloads, left-click to open the document, then right-click on the document and save it to a location on your own computer.)
That's an important question. After your Sportsman's Dinner I can help you follow up in three ways.
First, my devotional book specially designed and written for sportsmen who make a profession of faith at a Sportsman's Dinner. (You can use it even if I'm not your speaker.) It's available now, and the price is low enough to make quantities affordable. Individually, they're $5.99 each. Email me about purchasing 20 or more at only $4.00 each.
Second, for Saturday night events I'm often able to stay over until Sunday. I'd also be happy to talk to the folks who will be involved in follow-up after the event. And, I'm willing to preach in your Sunday morning service if you like. I set no fee for preaching in Sunday morning worship services — I'll be happy to accept whatever the church does through a love offering.
Preaching on Sundays: For those who would like to hear a sermon I've preached to get an idea what my preaching is like, the link below is a sound file of a sermon I preached as pulpit supply on the first Sunday of Advent, December 1, 2019, the Sunday of Hope. It's titled "Hope Transformed," and it's based on Titus 1:1-4. (The text was read before I got up to speak.) When preaching on Sunday morning at a church where I've spoken at a sportsman's dinner on Saturday night, I usually preach a standard, biblical sermon (not necessarily something related to hunting), so it will appeal to non-hunters as well as hunters.
Third, my Ultimate Guide to Planning a Sportsman's Dinner covers some important
points about how to follow up. (It wouldn't be the "ultimate" guide without that!) Be sure
to check it out.