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your Sportsman's Dinner... 




FREE PLANNING GUIDE: NOW AVAILABLE -- Newly Updated 2022 Edition!

Get your hands on Steve Sorensen's comprehensive 40-page "Ultimate Guide To Planning a Sportsman's Dinner" (at left). Spread  

Here's what one sportsman's dinner organizer said: "Your 'Ultimate Guide to Planning a Sportsman’s Dinner' is by far the best and most thorough document available anywhere. I had a church contact me about planning their own banquet and this is the best thing I could have offered them to get started!"


Photos, logos, and other documents that will help you publicize your event! Scroll down for Publicity Downloads!

the word -- this is the most comprehensivecomprehensive guide available, with everything you need to know to plan your event. CLICK HERE to download your own copy of the Planning Guide. (Click on the link to open the Guide. Then, go to "File" on your top menu bar and save to your computer.)


Follow-up is important, and after your Sportsman's Dinner I can help you follow up in two ways.

First, my new devotional book is designed and written especially for sportsmen who make a profession of faith at a Sportsman's Dinner. (And it doesn't have to be an even where I speak.) It's available now, and the price is low enough to make quantities affordable. Individually, they're $5.99 each. Email me about purchasing 20 or more at only $4.00 each.


Second, for Saturday night events I'm often able to stay over until Sunday.  I'd be happy to talk to those who will be involved in follow up. And, I'll preach in your Sunday morning service if you like. For Sunday morning worship services I set no fee –  I'll be happy with just a love offering.

Third, my Ultimate Guide to Planning a Sportsman's Dinner covers some important points about how to follow up. (It wouldn't be the "ultimate" guide with that!) Be sure to check it out.

Sorry--This Book Sold Out!

FREE  Publicity Downloads

Download these publicity resources to help you promote your event...


First, the legal mumbo-jumbo. These items are copyrighted materials, but this is your legal authorization to use them: Steve Sorensen hereby authorizes any organization using him as a speaker to reproduce these resources in printed or electronic publicity or broadcast media promoting the event.


Second, be creative. You may use these items to create posters, placemats, tickets, bulletin inserts, brochures, mailers, radio ads, or any other materials to use for event promotion. Feel free to shorten in order to fit the space you have available, but please do not materially change factual information. Re-size and crop images as needed. 

If you have any further questions or need something that you don't see here, please feel free to email Steve at or





The phrase "The Everyday Hunter" and the Antler/Feather logo are registered trademarks of Steve Sorensen for his website, his writings and his content, and may not be used for any purpose without his express written permission. All content in this website is copyrighted, ©2004-2023.

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