Welcome to the website of outdoor writer & speaker Steve Sorensen
The Everyday Hunter
Popular Sportsman's Dinner Speaker
Award-winning Magazine and Book Author
Home of The Everyday Hunter's blog, "Mission: Hunter"
Custom Scratchbox Turkey Call Maker
Field Contributor to Deer & Deer Hunting magazine

Books by award-winning outdoor writer Steve Sorensen
Steve's books are endorsed by some of the top outdoor writers in America!
Spomer, Whittington, Alsheimer, Schmidt, Barringer, Vaznis, Thornberry, Trout, Winke, and more!
Call (814) 688-2044 for ordering information
You've probably read many of Steve's articles in national and regional outdoor magazines, including Outdoor Life, Sports Afield, Deer & Deer Hunting, North American Whitetail, Bear Hunting Magazine, Pennsylvania Game News, Ohio Valley Outdoors, Game & Fish Magazine, and more, or one of the several newspapers he writes for, or one of the websites he contributes to. He also speaks frequently at sportsman’s dinner ministries and other outdoor events. Steve's writing style is easy to read, even for people who don't consider themselves avid readers.


"2015 Best Book Award" from the Pennsylvania Outdoor Writers Association!
226 pages, $17.99
Special Discount Price, $15.00
(PA residents add 6% sales tax)
Growing Up With Guns
A BOOK ABOUT GROWING UP IN AMERICA, about using guns responsibly, about hunting ethics and battling against hunter stereotypes, about conservation and hunting philosophy. It’s about how to think about hunting. The target audience is hunters, but non-hunters will see that hunters aren’t the bloodthirsty exterminators some people think they are. Everyone will gain a better understanding of what hunters really are, why hunters love hunting, and the role hunters must play if wildlife is to thrive in the future. Hunters young and old will benefit from this book.
The Everyday Hunter® Handbook Series
60 pages, $10.00
(PA residents add 6% sales tax)
Secrets of Using
Pre-Orbital Gland Lure
HOW TO TAKE INVENTORY OF THE BUCKS IN YOUR AREA! All about a new way to scout for whitetail bucks -- how to find the biggest bucks that live in your area and define their core area! Do you really know what's going on with the licking branch over the deer scrape? With this little-known method you can draw mature bucks to your trail cameras to see what the inventory is. A fascinating way to use your trail cameras to capitalize on the scrape and join the conversation that's taking place among bucks. Finally, the riddle of the licking branch is solved!

Gospel Tract: Abandoning Our Illusions
6-panel tract
$15.00 ( pack of 100)
(PA residents add 6% sales tax)
... will eventually let us down. The things we think will give us credibility, bring success, even sustain us through life will fail us. The truth is that no earthly pursuit can fulfill us, whether it's financial, health, or the American dream. Here is Steve's story, and it rings true because it's the same battle every man fights.
Suitable for your church's tract rack, for distribution at sportsman's events, or for person-to-person sharing.

Sorry--This Book Sold Out!

The Everyday Hunter® Handbook Series
76 pages, $10.00
Two for $15.00
(PA residents add 6% sales tax)
Quantity discount available
A 30-Day Hunt for Faith
SHORT DAILY BIBLE READINGS and devotional meditations for Christian outdoorsmen! The author has presented a message of gospel transformation to thousands of hunters across the nation. This little book offers the next step—developing the habit of Bible study and prayer. A solid follow-up for those who have recently received Christ, and a great devotional for long-time believers. Important Bible chapters, life verses, information about Bible translations, and what to do about questions at the back of the book.
The Everyday Hunter® Handbook Series
60 pages, $7.99 (tentative price).
(PA residents add 6% sales tax).
(Coming Soon!)
Essentials of Scent Control
STOP BEING BUSTED! The scent detection ability of wild animals is so strong the best of them can pick up scent that's days old, buried under a foot of snow, even under water. Deer, bears, coyotes, elk and more have the best noses on earth. Hunters need to appreciate them. This book will give you everything you need to know about how to beat them. In the pages of this book you'll find ways you're leaving scent in the woods that you never imagined. If you expect success, you need to do all you can to minimize or eliminate them. Find out how!

Life Doesn't Get Any Better
$25.00 (includes shipping)
(PA residents add 6% sales tax)
Life Doesn't Get Any Better is a collection of stories about a man, his dogs, his horses, his hunts, and his heritage. Dusty Youren made a life in the Idaho mountains (plus a few other places including British Columbia, Nevada and Utah) hunting, outfitting, rodeoing, cowboying, and leading "the rough life." It's an easy read, and you'll find yourself reading it again!
Above, you see the front and back covers. 211 pages.