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How Animals Die

Writer's picture: Steve Sorensen Steve Sorensen

Bald eagle with a broken wing

Do you know someone who sees an injured animal and instantly assumes a hunter is to blame? Does someone in your circle of friends believe that wild animals would live in the Age of Aquarius if only those evil hunters waging constant war against them?

Here's news for them. Peace doesn't guide the planets and love will never steer the stars. That squirrel raiding the bird feeder is someday going to feel a hawk's talons sink into its spine. And that clever neighborhood raccoon you saw in the spring died from distemper. It's the way nature works.

Many people would think the bald eagle in this photo was shot by a slob hunter, but no. It's far more likely that the eagle dive-bombed a prey animal (maybe a bunny rabbit lucky enough to avoid a coyote the night before), swerved to make the grab, and whacked his wing against a tree, breaking it or dislocating it. That's one way the predator becomes prey — and not what most people expect. This week’s column (July 26, 2021) tells you the truth about "How Animals Die." It's worth sharing with someone who mistakenly thinks animals suffer far more at the hands of hunters than they do in Mother Nature's merciless grip.

To access more of my writing on hunting topics, go to the home page of my blog, Mission: Hunter.


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