After 20 years, it's time for a retrospective on Pennsylvania's heavy-duty deer controversy. That's what I've done in an important article in the September 2022 issue of Deer & Deer Hunting magazine, on news stands now.
I took plenty of time to research this article and talked to many of the people principally involved to give you a full report on the controversy, including the man at the heart of it all, Dr. Gary Alt. I even included my sources in a listing at the end. Hunters, deer managers, and biologists alike will be interested in this report. It's as thorough as I could make it.

If you're not a subscriber to the magazine that serves EVERY deer hunter, it's time to sign up. Every issue is packed with the articles every deer hunter needs. Subscribing will give you BIG savings — $60 under the news stand price! So go buy the September issue, send in the subscription card, and keep up with everything in the deer hunting world.