The long-awaited "2020 Deer Hunters' Almanac" from Deer & Deer Hunting magazine is on news stands now, and the timing couldn't be better! Without a doubt this digest-size annual is the most comprehensive publication deer hunters can get anywhere. It's an encyclopedic collection of tips, strategies and information for whitetail enthusiasts all across the nation who are in the woods now, on a mission to satisfy their deer hunting passion.
I couldn't be more pleased to have worked for seven years now with editors Dan Schmidt and Chris Berens, as the author of Chapter 7 (titled "WHITETAIL NATION"). It's the section where I've compiled all the deer stats from every state and Canadian province where whitetails are hunted, and it leads with an article I've written. This year I discuss why we're hunting the smartest whitetails that have ever lived. Check it out.
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