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  • by Steve Sorensen | The Everyday Hunter®

The New PA Record Archery Buck Is Legit

In the deer hunting world, one thing seems sure. If you shoot a record book buck, be ready to take some heat. It seems like every story of a big buck has its detractors. My story about the new #1 Pennsylvania typical archery buck for Deer and Deer Hunting magazine's website was just published this morning. Already Facebook is abuzz with detractors.

Whenever a top-end record book buck is entered, the recording organizations give it plenty of attention to make sure it's legit. In this case the hunter, Ron Shaulis, not only documented his kill adequately and convincingly, he also alerted a DCNR officer responsible for the area that he was looking for a big buck. So when he finally found it, there really wasn't any reason to doubt that he had shot it. Yet dozens of people have come up with reasons to criticize, gripe, and fume over the shot, the recovery, and anything else they can complain about. Rather than congratulate the hunter for what amounts to a heroic achievement in finding the buck, they try to disparage and diminish him. And they don't seem to bother to read the story, which would answer most, if not all, the questions.

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