Even though hunters need to shoot does—which is the key to managing the deer herd—we all like antlers. And the bigger, the better. What one of us would pass on a big mature buck? Chances are someone reading this will shoot a monster whitetail this season. I hope it's me, but I'll be happy for anyone who kills a bragging-size buck, or any buck.
This column is about the attitudes we have toward deer, and toward other hunters (including an embarrassing mistake I made in talking with another hunter about the upcoming season). And it has some advice if you do succeed in taking a buck that's magazine-worthy—some things to think about before that adrenaline rush comes. In fact, the memories of every deer are worth preserving, so be prepared to get some great photos.
The buck shown here was taken by Art Zerbe of Chester County, PA last season. The story is a good one, and you'll want to read about it in North American Whitetail when it comes out. (I don't know the month yet.) Whether or not you like my writing, you'll be impressed with the photos he got recovering the deer.
CLICK HERE to read "If You Shoot a Giant Buck..." in the Olean Times Herald.
And to read more from my blog, MISSION: HUNTER. CLICK HERE and go to www.EverydayHunter.com.