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  • by Steve Sorensen | The Everyday Hunter®

Daniel Boone’s Turkey Hunt Video

I'll bet you didn't even know there was a video of a Daniel Boone turkey hunt. You don't believe me? Well, I'm not going to let the gobbler out of the bag just yet. Instead, I'd like to ask you to think about hunting accidents for a minute or two—why they happen and what we might do to prevent them.

I think (I don't know this) that some accidents happen when a hunter becomes too anxious to take the shot, too focused on filling a tag. Whether that's true or not, one thing is sure. Hunting today is much different than it was back in Daniel Boone's time.

It's worth saying here—as turkey season is set to begin in New York, Pennsylvania, and a few other northern states—that there is a whole lot more to enjoy in the spring woods than just killing a gobbler. I don't think this. I know this.

So don't get so focused on killing a gobbler that you fail to enjoy all spring has to offer. Whether it's the sighting of a newborn fawn (I saw three in the space of a few days one season), or the intricacy of a Spring Beauty flower, there's a lot to enjoy.

Now, check out my latest column, Daniel Boone's Turkey Hunt Video, and use your imagination.

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